
Between Critique and Sensitivity: A Call for Nuanced Debates on International Conflicts

In an era where the world is more interconnected than ever and information is just a click away, it seems paradoxical that substantive discussions on international conflicts are becoming increasingly difficult. One area where this challenge is particularly evident is the debate surrounding Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and its settlement policy. As a […]

Between Critique and Sensitivity: A Call for Nuanced Debates on International Conflicts Read More »

Review of the business relations between the State Capital Wiesbaden and Heidelberg Materials.

In particular, the activities of its subsidiary, Hanson Israel, which operates a quarry in the West Bank—an area that, according to a statement from the Federal Foreign Office dated January 4, 2024, is illegally occupied by Israel—conflict with international humanitarian law, such as UN Resolution 2334.

Review of the business relations between the State Capital Wiesbaden and Heidelberg Materials. Read More »

Rassismus an Wiesbadener Schulen

In Anbetracht der zunehmenden Berichte über rassistische und diskriminierende Vorfälle an Wiesbadener Schulen, insbesondere gegenüber muslimischen Schülerinnen und Schülern sowie Personen mit arabischem Hintergrund, ist es dringend erforderlich, effektive Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung dieser Problematik zu ergreifen. Die Eskalation des Nahost-Konflikts hat diese Situation verschärft und erfordert eine umfassende Reaktion. Der Ausschuss möge beschließen: Der Magistrat

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For a balanced policy in the Middle East conflict: Why I voted against the Israel resolution

I want to explain why I voted against the Israel Resolution in Wiesbaden. The media reported that I was the only parliamentarian in Wiesbaden who voted against it. I voted this way because I believe the resolution takes a one-sided approach to the Middle East conflict, which, in my opinion, is not fair and balanced.

For a balanced policy in the Middle East conflict: Why I voted against the Israel resolution Read More »