Faissal Wardak

For a balanced policy in the Middle East conflict: Why I voted against the Israel resolution

I want to explain why I voted against the Israel Resolution in Wiesbaden. The media reported that I was the only parliamentarian in Wiesbaden who voted against it. I voted this way because I believe the resolution takes a one-sided approach to the Middle East conflict, which, in my opinion, is not fair and balanced.

I believe in policies that are based on human rights and fairness. I want to point out that respected human rights organizations have described Israel as having elements of apartheid, and this is very concerning.

It’s clear that Israel is acting as an occupying power in parts of the region and has taken over territories in violation of international law. This raises serious questions about following the rules of international law. My vote against the resolution is my way of saying that we need to respect the rights and dignity of all people in the region.

I’m also troubled by reports that the Israeli military might be using chemical weapons and the sad fact that many children have lost their lives in this conflict. These are distressing developments, and we need an international response to reduce the suffering in the region and protect civilians.

It’s very worrying that some politicians in the Knesset are even talking about using nuclear weapons. Even if it’s just talk, it goes against the German constitution and values.

I want to make it clear that I’m not condemning an entire government or nation with my vote. Criticizing a government’s policies is a part of a working democracy. I’ve expressed concerns about specific statements from ministers in the Israeli government. These statements don’t represent the entire nation, and I encourage discussions and considering different viewpoints to understand the whole situation better.

So, my main focus is on supporting the people suffering in the Middle East conflict, no matter their background. My goal is to show empathy and support finding solutions for peace and stability.

One interesting fact is that both Christian and Muslim Arabs, as well as Jews, are all Semites. These three world religions have a common origin, tracing back to Abraham. In all three religions, it says thou shalt not kill. But we have been seeing the opposite for decades

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